A class provides the methods to access the Maps Query APIs. Perform spatial query against each types of data.
var mapsQueryClient = new tg.MapsQueryClient ('Your-Cloud-Service-Api-Key');
Name | Type | Description |
apiKey | string | An API key for access to ThinkGeo Cloud services, it can be created following the guide |
Return Value - a Maps Query object to access the Maps Query APIs in ThinkGeo Cloud service.
getFeaturesWithin(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options)
Get the features that are within the target shape.
var queryLayer = 'countries';
var wkt = 'POLYGON((15.609372854233 56.62500500679, 1.8984353542334 42.56250500679, 30.023435354233 41.15625500679, 15.609372854233 56.62500500679))';
var options = {
srid: 4326,
maxResults: 100,
returnFeatureAttributes: true,
featureAttributesToReturn: ['id', 'name']
var callback = function (status, response) {
mapsQueryClient.getFeaturesWithin(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options);
Name | Type | Description | ||
queryLayer | string | The query layer. | ||
wkt | string | The well-known text of target shape. | ||
callback | function | the callback for response. | ||
options | Options | |||
Name | Type | Default | Description | |
--- | --- | --- | --- | |
srid | integer | The SRID (coordinate system ID) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Proj4String parameter. | ||
proj4String | string | "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" | The Proj4 projection string (coordinate system) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Srid parameter. Defaults to “+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs”. | |
maxResults | integer | 100 | The maximum number of features to return. | |
returnFeatureAttributes | boolean | true | If true, specifies that the feature attribute column names and values will be returned in the response. | |
featureAttributesToReturn | array | If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this allows the user to specify which a specific subset of attributes to be returned. |
getFeaturesContaining(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options)
Get the features that contain the target shape.
var queryLayer = 'countries';
var wkt = 'POINT(-95.484377145767 36.93750500679)';
var options = {
srid: 4326,
maxResults: 100,
returnFeatureAttributes: true,
featureAttributesToReturn: ['id', 'name']
var callback = function (status, response) {
mapsQueryClient.getFeaturesContaining(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options);
Name | Type | Description | ||
queryLayer | string | The query layer. | ||
wkt | string | The well-known text of target shape. | ||
callback | function | the callback for response. | ||
options | Options | |||
Name | Type | Default | Description | |
--- | --- | --- | --- | |
srid | integer | The SRID (coordinate system ID) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Proj4String parameter. | ||
proj4String | string | "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" | The Proj4 projection string (coordinate system) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Srid parameter. Defaults to “+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs”. | |
maxResults | integer | 100 | The maximum number of features to return. | |
returnFeatureAttributes | boolean | true | If true, specifies that the feature attribute column names and values will be returned in the response. | |
featureAttributesToReturn | array | If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this allows the user to specify which a specific subset of attributes to be returned. |
getFeaturesIntersecting(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options)
Get the features that intersect the target shape.
var queryLayer = 'countries';
var wkt = 'POLYGON((15.609372854233 56.62500500679, 1.8984353542334 42.56250500679, 30.023435354233 41.15625500679, 15.609372854233 56.62500500679))';
var options = {
srid: 4326,
maxResults: 100,
returnFeatureAttributes: true,
featureAttributesToReturn: ['id', 'name']
var callback = function (status, response) {
mapsQueryClient.getFeaturesIntersecting(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options);
Name | Type | Description | ||
queryLayer | string | The query layer. | ||
wkt | string | The well-known text of target shape. | ||
callback | function | the callback for response. | ||
options | Options | |||
Name | Type | Default | Description | |
--- | --- | --- | --- | |
srid | integer | The SRID (coordinate system ID) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Proj4String parameter. | ||
proj4String | string | "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" | The Proj4 projection string (coordinate system) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Srid parameter. Defaults to “+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs”. | |
maxResults | integer | 100 | The maximum number of features to return. | |
returnFeatureAttributes | boolean | true | If true, specifies that the feature attribute column names and values will be returned in the response. | |
featureAttributesToReturn | array | If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this allows the user to specify which a specific subset of attributes to be returned. |
getFeaturesOverlapping(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options)
Get the features that overlap the target shape.
var queryLayer = 'countries';
var wkt = 'POLYGON((15.609372854233 56.62500500679, 1.8984353542334 42.56250500679, 30.023435354233 41.15625500679, 15.609372854233 56.62500500679))';
var options = {
srid: 4326,
maxResults: 100,
returnFeatureAttributes: true,
featureAttributesToReturn: ['id', 'name']
var callback = function (status, response) {
mapsQueryClient.getFeaturesOverlapping(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options);
Name | Type | Description | ||
queryLayer | string | The query layer. | ||
wkt | string | The well-known text of target shape. | ||
callback | function | the callback for response. | ||
options | Options | |||
Name | Type | Default | Description | |
--- | --- | --- | --- | |
srid | integer | The SRID (coordinate system ID) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Proj4String parameter. | ||
proj4String | string | "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" | The Proj4 projection string (coordinate system) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Srid parameter. Defaults to “+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs”. | |
maxResults | integer | 100 | The maximum number of features to return. | |
returnFeatureAttributes | boolean | true | If true, specifies that the feature attribute column names and values will be returned in the response. | |
featureAttributesToReturn | array | If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this allows the user to specify which a specific subset of attributes to be returned. |
getFeaturesTouching(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options)
Get the features that touch the target shape.
var queryLayer = 'countries';
var wkt = 'POLYGON((7595881.1058614058 -585345.10944436956,7595881.1058614058 2704373.8120167661,-3939883.7747361474 2704373.8120167661,-3939883.7747361474 -585345.10944436956,7595881.1058614058 -585345.10944436956))';
var options = {
srid: 3857,
maxResults: 100,
returnFeatureAttributes: true,
featureAttributesToReturn: ['id', 'name']
var callback = function (status, response) {
mapsQueryClient.getFeaturesTouching(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options);
Name | Type | Description | ||
queryLayer | string | The query layer. | ||
wkt | string | The well-known text of target shape. | ||
callback | function | the callback for response. | ||
options | Options | |||
Name | Type | Default | Description | |
--- | --- | --- | --- | |
srid | integer | The SRID (coordinate system ID) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Proj4String parameter. | ||
proj4String | string | "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" | The Proj4 projection string (coordinate system) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Srid parameter. Defaults to “+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs”. | |
maxResults | integer | 100 | The maximum number of features to return. | |
returnFeatureAttributes | boolean | true | If true, specifies that the feature attribute column names and values will be returned in the response. | |
featureAttributesToReturn | array | If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this allows the user to specify which a specific subset of attributes to be returned. |
getFeaturesNearest(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options)
Get the features that are nearest to the target shape.
var queryLayer = 'countries';
var wkt = 'POINT(17.367185354233 47.83594250679)';
var options = {
srid: 4326,
maxResults: 100,
searchRadius: 200,
searchRadiusUnit: 'Kilometer',
returnFeatureAttributes: true,
featureAttributesToReturn: ['id', 'name']
var callback = function (status, response) {
mapsQueryClient.getFeaturesNearest(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options);
Name | Type | Description | ||
queryLayer | string | The query layer. | ||
wkt | string | The well-known text of target shape. | ||
callback | function | the callback for response. | ||
options | Options | |||
Name | Type | Default | Description | |
--- | --- | --- | --- | |
srid | integer | The SRID (coordinate system ID) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Proj4String parameter. | ||
proj4String | string | "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" | The Proj4 projection string (coordinate system) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Srid parameter. Defaults to “+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs”. | |
searchRadius | double | The radius of the search area around the target geometry. If not specified, it's assumed that there is no limit. | ||
searchRadiusUnit | string | The unit of measure in which the searchRadius is expressed. | ||
maxResults | integer | 100 | The maximum number of features to return. | |
returnFeatureAttributes | boolean | true | If true, specifies that the feature attribute column names and values will be returned in the response. | |
featureAttributesToReturn | array | If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this allows the user to specify which a specific subset of attributes to be returned. |
getFeaturesWithinDistance(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options)
Get the features that are within a certain distance of the target shape.
var queryLayer = 'countries';
var wkt = 'POINT(17.367185354233 47.83594250679)';
var options = {
srid: 4326,
maxResults: 100,
distance: 200,
distanceUnit: 'Kilometer',
returnFeatureAttributes: true,
featureAttributesToReturn: ['id', 'name']
var callback = function (status, response) {
mapsQueryClient.getFeaturesWithinDistance(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options);
Name | Type | Description | ||
queryLayer | string | The query layer. | ||
wkt | string | The well-known text of target shape. | ||
callback | function | the callback for response. | ||
options | Options | |||
Name | Type | Default | Description | |
--- | --- | --- | --- | |
srid | integer | The SRID (coordinate system ID) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Proj4String parameter. | ||
proj4String | string | "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" | The Proj4 projection string (coordinate system) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Srid parameter. Defaults to “+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs”. | |
distance | double | 200 | The distance within which to find features. | |
distanceUnit | string | "Meter" | The unit of measure in which the distance is expressed. | |
maxResults | integer | 100 | The maximum number of features to return. | |
returnFeatureAttributes | boolean | true | If true, specifies that the feature attribute column names and values will be returned in the response. | |
featureAttributesToReturn | array | If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this allows the user to specify which a specific subset of attributes to be returned. |
getFeaturesCustom(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options)
Perform a custom spatial query, using the specified query layer, spatial relationship type, and query feature.
var queryLayer = 'countries';
var wkt = 'POLYGON((15.609372854233 56.62500500679, 1.8984353542334 42.56250500679, 30.023435354233 41.15625500679, 15.609372854233 56.62500500679))';
var options = {
srid: 4326,
maxResults: 100,
returnFeatureAttributes: true,
featureAttributesToReturn: ['id', 'name']
var callback = function (status, response) {
mapsQueryClient.getFeaturesCustom(queryLayer, wkt, 'within', callback, options);
Name | Type | Description | ||
queryLayer | string | The query layer. | ||
wkt | string | The well-known text of target shape. | ||
callback | function | the callback for response. | ||
options | Options | |||
Name | Type | Default | Description | |
--- | --- | --- | --- | |
srid | integer | The SRID (coordinate system ID) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Proj4String parameter. | ||
proj4String | string | "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" | The Proj4 projection string (coordinate system) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Srid parameter. Defaults to “+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs”. | |
distance | double | 200 | The distance within which to find features. | |
distanceUnit | string | "Meter" | The unit of measure in which the distance is expressed. | |
searchRadius | double | The radius of the search area around the target geometry. If not specified, it's assumed that there is no limit. | ||
searchRadiusUnit | string | The unit of measure in which the searchRadius is expressed. | ||
maxResults | integer | 100 | The maximum number of features to return. | |
returnFeatureAttributes | boolean | true | If true, specifies that the feature attribute column names and values will be returned in the response. | |
featureAttributesToReturn | array | If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this allows the user to specify which a specific subset of attributes to be returned. |