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A class provides the methods to access the Maps Query APIs. Perform spatial query against each types of data.


var mapsQueryClient = new tg.MapsQueryClient ('Your-Cloud-Service-Api-Key');


Name Type Description
apiKey string An API key for access to ThinkGeo Cloud services, it can be created following the guide

Return Value - a Maps Query object to access the Maps Query APIs in ThinkGeo Cloud service.

getFeaturesWithin(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options)

Get the features that are within the target shape.


  var queryLayer = 'countries';
  var wkt = 'POLYGON((15.609372854233 56.62500500679, 1.8984353542334 42.56250500679, 30.023435354233 41.15625500679, 15.609372854233 56.62500500679))';
  var options = {
       srid: 4326,
       maxResults: 100,
       returnFeatureAttributes: true,
       featureAttributesToReturn: ['id', 'name']
  var callback = function (status, response) {
  mapsQueryClient.getFeaturesWithin(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options);


Name Type Description
queryLayer string The query layer.
wkt string The well-known text of target shape.
callback function the callback for response.
options Options
Name Type Default Description
--- --- --- ---
srid integer The SRID (coordinate system ID) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Proj4String parameter.
proj4String string "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" The Proj4 projection string (coordinate system) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Srid parameter. Defaults to “+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs”.
maxResults integer 100 The maximum number of features to return.
returnFeatureAttributes boolean true If true, specifies that the feature attribute column names and values will be returned in the response.
featureAttributesToReturn array If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this allows the user to specify which a specific subset of attributes to be returned.

getFeaturesContaining(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options)

Get the features that contain the target shape.


  var queryLayer = 'countries';
  var wkt = 'POINT(-95.484377145767 36.93750500679)';
  var options = {
       srid: 4326,
       maxResults: 100,
       returnFeatureAttributes: true,
       featureAttributesToReturn: ['id', 'name']
  var callback = function (status, response) {
  mapsQueryClient.getFeaturesContaining(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options);


Name Type Description
queryLayer string The query layer.
wkt string The well-known text of target shape.
callback function the callback for response.
options Options
Name Type Default Description
--- --- --- ---
srid integer The SRID (coordinate system ID) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Proj4String parameter.
proj4String string "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" The Proj4 projection string (coordinate system) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Srid parameter. Defaults to “+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs”.
maxResults integer 100 The maximum number of features to return.
returnFeatureAttributes boolean true If true, specifies that the feature attribute column names and values will be returned in the response.
featureAttributesToReturn array If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this allows the user to specify which a specific subset of attributes to be returned.

getFeaturesIntersecting(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options)

Get the features that intersect the target shape.


  var queryLayer = 'countries';
  var wkt = 'POLYGON((15.609372854233 56.62500500679, 1.8984353542334 42.56250500679, 30.023435354233 41.15625500679, 15.609372854233 56.62500500679))';
  var options = {
       srid: 4326,
       maxResults: 100,
       returnFeatureAttributes: true,
       featureAttributesToReturn: ['id', 'name']
  var callback = function (status, response) {
  mapsQueryClient.getFeaturesIntersecting(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options);


Name Type Description
queryLayer string The query layer.
wkt string The well-known text of target shape.
callback function the callback for response.
options Options
Name Type Default Description
--- --- --- ---
srid integer The SRID (coordinate system ID) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Proj4String parameter.
proj4String string "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" The Proj4 projection string (coordinate system) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Srid parameter. Defaults to “+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs”.
maxResults integer 100 The maximum number of features to return.
returnFeatureAttributes boolean true If true, specifies that the feature attribute column names and values will be returned in the response.
featureAttributesToReturn array If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this allows the user to specify which a specific subset of attributes to be returned.

getFeaturesOverlapping(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options)

Get the features that overlap the target shape.


  var queryLayer = 'countries';
  var wkt = 'POLYGON((15.609372854233 56.62500500679, 1.8984353542334 42.56250500679, 30.023435354233 41.15625500679, 15.609372854233 56.62500500679))';
  var options = {
       srid: 4326,
       maxResults: 100,
       returnFeatureAttributes: true,
       featureAttributesToReturn: ['id', 'name']
  var callback = function (status, response) {
  mapsQueryClient.getFeaturesOverlapping(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options);


Name Type Description
queryLayer string The query layer.
wkt string The well-known text of target shape.
callback function the callback for response.
options Options
Name Type Default Description
--- --- --- ---
srid integer The SRID (coordinate system ID) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Proj4String parameter.
proj4String string "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" The Proj4 projection string (coordinate system) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Srid parameter. Defaults to “+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs”.
maxResults integer 100 The maximum number of features to return.
returnFeatureAttributes boolean true If true, specifies that the feature attribute column names and values will be returned in the response.
featureAttributesToReturn array If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this allows the user to specify which a specific subset of attributes to be returned.

getFeaturesTouching(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options)

Get the features that touch the target shape.


  var queryLayer = 'countries';
  var wkt = 'POLYGON((7595881.1058614058 -585345.10944436956,7595881.1058614058 2704373.8120167661,-3939883.7747361474 2704373.8120167661,-3939883.7747361474 -585345.10944436956,7595881.1058614058 -585345.10944436956))';
  var options = {
       srid: 3857,
       maxResults: 100,
       returnFeatureAttributes: true,
       featureAttributesToReturn: ['id', 'name']
  var callback = function (status, response) {
  mapsQueryClient.getFeaturesTouching(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options);


Name Type Description
queryLayer string The query layer.
wkt string The well-known text of target shape.
callback function the callback for response.
options Options
Name Type Default Description
--- --- --- ---
srid integer The SRID (coordinate system ID) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Proj4String parameter.
proj4String string "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" The Proj4 projection string (coordinate system) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Srid parameter. Defaults to “+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs”.
maxResults integer 100 The maximum number of features to return.
returnFeatureAttributes boolean true If true, specifies that the feature attribute column names and values will be returned in the response.
featureAttributesToReturn array If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this allows the user to specify which a specific subset of attributes to be returned.

getFeaturesNearest(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options)

Get the features that are nearest to the target shape.


  var queryLayer = 'countries';
  var wkt = 'POINT(17.367185354233 47.83594250679)';
  var options = {
       srid: 4326,
       maxResults: 100,
       searchRadius: 200,
       searchRadiusUnit: 'Kilometer',
       returnFeatureAttributes: true,
       featureAttributesToReturn: ['id', 'name']
  var callback = function (status, response) {
  mapsQueryClient.getFeaturesNearest(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options);


Name Type Description
queryLayer string The query layer.
wkt string The well-known text of target shape.
callback function the callback for response.
options Options
Name Type Default Description
--- --- --- ---
srid integer The SRID (coordinate system ID) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Proj4String parameter.
proj4String string "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" The Proj4 projection string (coordinate system) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Srid parameter. Defaults to “+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs”.
searchRadius double The radius of the search area around the target geometry. If not specified, it's assumed that there is no limit.
searchRadiusUnit string The unit of measure in which the searchRadius is expressed.
maxResults integer 100 The maximum number of features to return.
returnFeatureAttributes boolean true If true, specifies that the feature attribute column names and values will be returned in the response.
featureAttributesToReturn array If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this allows the user to specify which a specific subset of attributes to be returned.

getFeaturesWithinDistance(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options)

Get the features that are within a certain distance of the target shape.


  var queryLayer = 'countries';
  var wkt = 'POINT(17.367185354233 47.83594250679)';
  var options = {
       srid: 4326,
       maxResults: 100,
       distance: 200,
       distanceUnit: 'Kilometer',
       returnFeatureAttributes: true,
       featureAttributesToReturn: ['id', 'name']
  var callback = function (status, response) {
  mapsQueryClient.getFeaturesWithinDistance(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options);


Name Type Description
queryLayer string The query layer.
wkt string The well-known text of target shape.
callback function the callback for response.
options Options
Name Type Default Description
--- --- --- ---
srid integer The SRID (coordinate system ID) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Proj4String parameter.
proj4String string "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" The Proj4 projection string (coordinate system) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Srid parameter. Defaults to “+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs”.
distance double 200 The distance within which to find features.
distanceUnit string "Meter" The unit of measure in which the distance is expressed.
maxResults integer 100 The maximum number of features to return.
returnFeatureAttributes boolean true If true, specifies that the feature attribute column names and values will be returned in the response.
featureAttributesToReturn array If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this allows the user to specify which a specific subset of attributes to be returned.

getFeaturesCustom(queryLayer, wkt, callback, options)

Perform a custom spatial query, using the specified query layer, spatial relationship type, and query feature.


  var queryLayer = 'countries';
  var wkt = 'POLYGON((15.609372854233 56.62500500679, 1.8984353542334 42.56250500679, 30.023435354233 41.15625500679, 15.609372854233 56.62500500679))';
  var options = {
       srid: 4326,
       maxResults: 100,
       returnFeatureAttributes: true,
       featureAttributesToReturn: ['id', 'name']
  var callback = function (status, response) {
  mapsQueryClient.getFeaturesCustom(queryLayer, wkt, 'within', callback, options);


Name Type Description
queryLayer string The query layer.
wkt string The well-known text of target shape.
callback function the callback for response.
options Options
Name Type Default Description
--- --- --- ---
srid integer The SRID (coordinate system ID) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Proj4String parameter.
proj4String string "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" The Proj4 projection string (coordinate system) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Srid parameter. Defaults to “+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs”.
distance double 200 The distance within which to find features.
distanceUnit string "Meter" The unit of measure in which the distance is expressed.
searchRadius double The radius of the search area around the target geometry. If not specified, it's assumed that there is no limit.
searchRadiusUnit string The unit of measure in which the searchRadius is expressed.
maxResults integer 100 The maximum number of features to return.
returnFeatureAttributes boolean true If true, specifies that the feature attribute column names and values will be returned in the response.
featureAttributesToReturn array If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this allows the user to specify which a specific subset of attributes to be returned.