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A class provides the methods to access the Routing APIs. Get turn-by-turn driving directions, define service areas that can be reached by car in a given time or distance, and more.


var routingClient = new tg.RoutingClient ('Your-Cloud-Service-Api-Key');


Name Type Description
apiKey string An API key for access to ThinkGeo Cloud services, it can be created following the guide

Return Value - a Routing object to access the Routing APIs in ThinkGeo Cloud service.

getRoute(waypoints, callback, options)

Get a route through the specified waypoints.


  var waypoints = [{
    x: -96.872893,
    y: 33.184352
    x: -83.441568,
    y: 42.404719
  var options = {
       srid: 4326,
       turnByTurn: true,
       distanceUnit: 'Meter',
       durationUnit: 'Minute'
  var callback = function (status, response) {
  routingClient.getRoute(waypoints, callback, options);


Name Type Description
waypoints array A list of coordinates to travel in order.
callback function the callback for response.
options Options
Name Type Default Description
--- --- --- ---
srid integer The SRID (coordinate system ID) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Proj4String parameter.
proj4String string "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" The Proj4 projection string (coordinate system) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Srid parameter. Defaults to “+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs”.
turnByTurn boolean false Whether to return turn-by-turn instructions or not. Defaults to false.
coordinateSnapRadius double 5000 The maximum distance of a coordinate can be snapped to the road network. Defaults to 5000 meters.
coordinateSnapRadiusUnit string meter The unit of the radius to snap the input coordinate to road network.
distanceUnit string meter The unit of measure in which to express the length of the route. Default to Meter.
durationUnit string minute The unit of the time in which to express the duration of the route.

getServiceArea(pointY, pointX, serviceLimits, callback, options)

Get the reachable service area (isochrones) for a coordinate point, based on the specified time or distance constraints.


  var serviceLimits = [10, 30, 60];
  var callback = function (status, response) {
  var options = {
    srid = 3857,
    serviceLimitsType = 'Time',
    durationUnit = 'minute',
    distanceUnit = 'meter'
  routingClient.getServiceArea(33.184352, -96.872893, serviceLimits, callback, options);


Name Type Description
pointY double The Y coordinate of the point.
pointX double The X coordinate of the point.
serviceLimits array The list represents the travel distances or travel times to generate for each facility. The maximum number of serviceLimits is 6.
callback function the callback for response.
options Options
Name Type Default Description
--- --- --- ---
srid integer The SRID (coordinate system ID) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Proj4String parameter.
proj4String string "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" The Proj4 projection string (coordinate system) in which to input and output the result. Mutually exclusive from the Srid parameter. Defaults to “+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs”.
contourGranularity double 1.0 A float in the range of (0, 1.0) to identify how much we want to remove the contours. 0 means do not remove any contour at all, 1.0 means only return the largest contour.
coordinateSnapRadius double 5000 The maximum distance of a coordinate can be snapped to the road network.
coordinateSnapRadiusUnit string meter The unit of the radius to snap the input coordinate to road network.
distanceUnit string meter The unit of measure in which to express the length of route.
durationUnit string minute The unit of the time in which to express the duration of traveling the route.
gridSizeInMeters double 400 A float value in meters used as the tolerance for concave polygon. The smaller of the number is getting more accurate of the service areas but slower performance, better a value bigger than 300, but depends on the size of the result coverage.
serviceAreaSeparationType string separated Specify whether to include the region covered by the smaller service area into the region covered by the larger service area.
serviceAreaType string polygon Indicates whether the result is returned as polygons enveloping the accessible roads, or as linestrings surrounding those roads.
serviceLimitsType string time Indicates the unit of the serviceLimits.
travelDirection string from Indicates the direction of travel to or from the coordinates.