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Deployment Guide

This guide will show you how to set up a Runtime license for Winforms, WPF, WebAPI and Blazor. The license guide for Mobile (.NET MAUI) is available here.

Step 1: Install Dev License

Please navigate to to download the latest ProductCenter, and run it.

Sign into your account, click on WPF/WinForms/Blazor/WebAPI tab, then click the “Start Evaluation” button to get a free trial license, or click the “Activate” button if you've purchased the product.

Runtime License Image Figure 1. ThinkGeo Product Center with WPF/WinForms/Blazor/WebAPI tab selected

Step 2: Setup Runtime License

  • Click the "Browse" button in the "RUNTIME LICENSE" tab on the right side of the product center.
    ID TextBox Image

  • Browse to the Executable File of the project. WPF Executable File Location Image

  • Click the “Save” button to generate a runtime license in the same folder where the Executable File is. WPF Runtime License Location Image

And now your application is good to go for runtime.

Visual C++ Redistributable

Visual C++ Redistributable is needed if you are using ThinkGeo VCRuntime Dependency in your project and deploying it on Windows. This can be downloaded from the link below:
