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ThinkGeo Product Center

The ThinkGeo Product Center manages all licensing-related functions with ThinkGeo components. It is used to:

  • Start a new evaluation
  • Activate a developer licenses
  • Deactivate a developer license
  • Generate runtime licenses for your production applications
  • Resetting Product Center
  • CLI Version for Linux and MacOS

Start a New Evaluation

Starting an evaluation is the first step in any developer's ThinkGeo journey, and the Product Center is central to this process. After you sign up, you will be directed to the Helpdesk and will see a link to download the product center. If you're an existing customer and looking for an older version, be sure to look at the 'Legacy Downloads' on the main Helpdesk page:
product center image

After downloading the Product Center for your OS of choice, simply run the downloaded ThinkGeo.ProductCenter.GUIxx.x.exe and the Product Center will launch. At this point, you will need to log in with the same email and password that you used when you signed up. If you have forgotten your password, just click the 'Forgot Your Password' link.

After logging in, you will see the Product Center main page which will look like the image below:

product center image

To start your evaluation, just click the tile in the left panel for whichever product you wish to activate. Then, just click the 'Start Evaluation' button. At this point, your evaluation license is activated and you can begin building and debugging your application!

Activate a Developer License

To purchase a developer license by Purchase Order or Wire Transfer, contact If purchasing by Credit Card, just click the 'Activate License' button in the Product Center or visit our pricing page.

Deactivate a Developer License

Occasionally you may want to deactivate your developer license and assign it to another user. In this case, simply click the 'Deactivate License' button - that's all there is to it! You can then have have the other user log into the Product Center and activate the license that was just released.

Generate Runtime Licenses

ThinkGeo Runtime licenses are free and perpetual. To generate a runtime license, check out the individual deployment guides below:

CLI Version for Linux and MacOS

You may have also noticed on the [Helpdesk] page that there is an option to download the CLI version of the Product Center for Linux or MacOS. If you go this route, the functionality of the CLI version is the same as described above, and you can view documentation on the commands here.

Resetting Product Center

In some scenarios, after starting/stopping evaluations or enabling/disabling developer licenses, the Product Center may start behaving improperly. But the fix for any issue is simple following the steps below to reset the product center. Note: resetting does not have any negative impacts on your licenses or user account.

  • Open the ThinkGeo Product Center.
  • If you've purchased a license, then select each product marked as 'Activated' and click the 'Deactivate License' button. Note: evaluators can skip this step.
  • Click the 'Log Out' button in the upper right.
  • Close the ProductCenter.
  • Delete the “C:\ProgramData\ThinkGeo\Map Suite xx.x” directory
  • Open and Login to the Product Center

Get Started Today!

If you're new to ThinkGeo, we recommend you start here to learn more about our products and start building your application today!