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Namespace: ThinkGeo.UI.Maui

This enumeration specifies the type of extent change that has occurred when doing interactive actions with InteractiveOverlay.

public enum ExtentChangedType

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnumExtentChangedType
Implements IComparable, ISpanFormattable, IFormattable, IConvertible


Name Value Description
None 0 Default value for enumeration.
Pan 1 This enumeration item represents panning action for the extent interactiveOverlay.
TrackZoomIn 2 This enumeration item represents track zoom in action for the extent interactiveOverlay.
Rotate 3 This enumeration item represents rotate action for the extent interactiveOverlay.
DoubleClickZoomIn 4 This enumeration item represents double-click zoom in action for the extent interactiveOverlay.
MouseWheelZoom 5 This enumeration item represents mouse wheel zoom in action for the extent interactiveOverlay.
Zoom 6