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Namespace: ThinkGeo.Core

This enumeration represents the column type in the DBF.

public enum DbfColumnType

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnumDbfColumnType
Implements IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible




Name Value Description
Null 0 Null
Logical 3 1 byte to include:
? - Default
Y,y - Yes
N,n - No
F,f - False
T,t - True
Memo 5 10 digit pointer to memo file.
Date 6 Date in format - YYYYMMDD
DateTime 7 Chronological data consisting of month, day, year, hours, minutes, and seconds
IntegerInBinary 8 4 byte numeric type.
DoubleInBinary 9 8 byte numeric type.
Character 10
Float 11 8 byte numeric type.
Numeric 12 8 byte numeric type.