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Namespace: ThinkGeo.Core

This enumeration represents the types stored in the Shape File.

public enum ShapeFileType

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnumShapeFileType
Implements IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


There are a number of formats as described above that are not currently supported. They are primarily not supported because Map Suite is a 2D tool and does not currently display 3D graphics.


Name Value Description
Null 0 Null
Point 1 Point
Polyline 3 Polyline
Polygon 5 Polygon
Multipoint 8 Multipoint
PointZ 11 PointZ - This is currently not supported.
PolylineZ 13 PolylineZ - This is currently not supported.
PolygonZ 15 PolygonZ - This is currently not supported.
MultipointZ 18 MultiPointZ - This is currently not supported.
PointM 21 PointM - This is currently not supported.
PolylineM 23 PolylineM - This is currently not supported.
PolygonM 25 PolygonM - This is currently not supported.
MultipointM 28 MultipointM - This is currently not supported.
Multipatch 31 MultiPatch - This is currently not supported.