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Namespace: ThinkGeo.Core

This enumeration specifies the raster map types.

public enum ThinkGeoCloudRasterMapsMapType

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnumThinkGeoCloudRasterMapsMapType
Implements IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


This enumeration specifies the raster map types.


Name Value Description
Default 0 The default map type is Light.
Light 1 Specifies that the map is Light style
Dark 2 Specifies that the map is dark style
Hybrid 3 Specifies that the map includes physical features such as terrain and vegetation.
Aerial 4 Specifies that the map shows aerial.
TransparentBackground 5 Specifies that the map shows TransparentBackground.
Light_V1_X1 6 Light Style Version 1 (X1) refers to tiles from the server with a size of 512x512. This is the appropriate choice when the application is running on Windows with a DPI
of 96 (scale is 100%). Consider using X2 if your Windows scale is greater than 100% or if you are using it on iOS/Android platforms.
Light_V1_X2 7 Light Style Version 1 (X2) refers to tiles from the server with a size of 1024x1024. It is with higher resolution and it's the appropriate choice when the application is running on iOS/Android
or on Windows with high DPI (scale is greater than 100%).
Light_V2_X1 8 Light Style Version 2 (X1) refers to tiles from the server with a size of 512x512. This is the appropriate choice when the application is running on Windows with a DPI
of 96 (scale is 100%). Consider using X2 if your Windows scale is greater than 100% or if you are using it on iOS/Android platforms.
Light_V2_X2 9 Light Style Version 2 (X2) refers to tiles from the server with a size of 1024x1024. It is with higher resolution and it's the appropriate choice when the application is running on iOS/Android
or on Windows with high DPI (scale is greater than 100%).
Dark_V1_X1 10 Dark Style Version 1 (X1) refers to tiles from the server with a size of 512x512. This is the appropriate choice when the application is running on Windows with a DPI
of 96 (scale is 100%). Consider using X2 if your Windows scale is greater than 100% or if you are using it on iOS/Android platforms.
Dark_V1_X2 11 Dark Style Version 1 (X2) refers to tiles from the server with a size of 1024x1024. It is with higher resolution and it's the appropriate choice when the application is running on iOS/Android
or on Windows with high DPI (scale is greater than 100%).
Dark_V2_X1 12 Dark Style Version 2 (X1) refers to tiles from the server with a size of 512x512. This is the appropriate choice when the application is running on Windows with a DPI
of 96 (scale is 100%). Consider using X2 if your Windows scale is greater than 100% or if you are using it on iOS/Android platforms.
Dark_V2_X2 13 Dark Style Version 2 (X2) refers to tiles from the server with a size of 1024x1024. It is with higher resolution and it's the appropriate choice when the application is running on iOS/Android
or on Windows with high DPI (scale is greater than 100%).
Hybrid_V1_X1 14 Hybrid Style Version 1 (X1) refers to tiles from the server with a size of 512x512. This is the appropriate choice when the application is running on Windows with a DPI
of 96 (scale is 100%). Consider using X2 if your Windows scale is greater than 100% or if you are using it on iOS/Android platforms.
Hybrid_V1_X2 15 Hybrid Style Version 1 (X2) refers to tiles from the server with a size of 1024x1024. It is with higher resolution and it's the appropriate choice when the application is running on iOS/Android
or on Windows with high DPI (scale is greater than 100%).
Hybrid_V2_X1 16 Hybrid Style Version 2 (X1) refers to tiles from the server with a size of 512x512. This is the appropriate choice when the application is running on Windows with a DPI
of 96 (scale is 100%). Consider using X2 if your Windows scale is greater than 100% or if you are using it on iOS/Android platforms.
Hybrid_V2_X2 17 Hybrid Style Version 2 (X2) refers to tiles from the server with a size of 1024x1024. It is with higher resolution and it's the appropriate choice when the application is running on iOS/Android
or on Windows with high DPI (scale is greater than 100%).
Aerial_V1_X1 18 Aerial Style Version 1 (X1) refers to tiles from the server with a size of 512x512. This is the appropriate choice when the application is running on Windows with a DPI
of 96 (scale is 100%). Consider using X2 if your Windows scale is greater than 100% or if you are using it on iOS/Android platforms.
Aerial_V1_X2 19 Aerial Style Version 1 (X2) refers to tiles from the server with a size of 1024x1024. It is with higher resolution and it's the appropriate choice when the application is running on iOS/Android
or on Windows with high DPI (scale is greater than 100%).
Aerial_V2_X1 20 Aerial Style Version 2 (X1) refers to tiles from the server with a size of 512x512. This is the appropriate choice when the application is running on Windows with a DPI
of 96 (scale is 100%). Consider using X2 if your Windows scale is greater than 100% or if you are using it on iOS/Android platforms.
Aerial_V2_X2 21 Aerial Style Version 2 (X2) refers to tiles from the server with a size of 1024x1024. It is with higher resolution and it's the appropriate choice when the application is running on iOS/Android
or on Windows with high DPI (scale is greater than 100%).
TransparentBackground_V1_X1 22 TransparentBackground Style Version 1 (X1) refers to tiles from the server with a size of 512x512. This is the appropriate choice when the application is running on Windows with a DPI
of 96 (scale is 100%). Consider using X2 if your Windows scale is greater than 100% or if you are using it on iOS/Android platforms.
TransparentBackground_V1_X2 23 TransparentBackground Style Version 1 (X2) refers to tiles from the server with a size of 1024x1024. It is with higher resolution and it's the appropriate choice when the application is running on iOS/Android
or on Windows with high DPI (scale is greater than 100%).
TransparentBackground_V2_X1 24 TransparentBackground Style Version 1 (X1) refers to tiles from the server with a size of 512x512. This is the appropriate choice when the application is running on Windows with a DPI
of 96 (scale is 100%). Consider using X2 if your Windows scale is greater than 100% or if you are using it on iOS/Android platforms.
TransparentBackground_V2_X2 25 TransparentBackground Style Version 2 (X2) refers to tiles from the server with a size of 1024x1024. It is with higher resolution and it's the appropriate choice when the application is running on iOS/Android
or on Windows with high DPI (scale is greater than 100%).