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Namespace: ThinkGeo.Core

This class represents a FeatureLayer of TinyGeo File by ThinkGeo.

public class TinyGeoFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer

Inheritance Object → Layer → FeatureLayer → TinyGeoFeatureLayer





public bool HasBoundingBox { get; }

Property Value



This property returns the path and file of the TinyGeo file you want to use.

public string TinyGeoPathFilename { get; set; }

Property Value



Setting an invalid FilePathName structure will thrown an ArgumentException.


When you specify the path and file name it should be in the correct format as such however the file does not need to exists on the file system. This is to allow us to accept streams supplied by the developer at runtime. If you choose to provide a file that exists then we will attempt to use it. If we cannot find it then we will raise the SteamLoading event and allow you to supply the stream. For example you can pass in "C:\NotARealPath\File1.tgeo" which does not exists on the file system. When we raise the event for you to supply a stream we will pass to you the path and file name for you to differentiate the files.


This property gets or sets the password of the TinyGeo file.

public string Password { get; set; }

Property Value



public Projection Projection { get; }

Property Value



This property gets the EditTools that allow you to easily edit InternalFeatures in the Feature Layer.

public EditTools EditTools { get; protected set; }

Property Value


        This property gets the EditTools that allow you to easily edit InternalFeatures in the
        Feature Layer.


The EditTools are supplied as an easily accessible wrapper for the editing methods of the FeatureSource.


A collection of strings representing record id of features not to get in the Layer.

public Collection<string> FeatureIdsToExclude { get; }

Property Value



This string collection is a handy place to specify what records not to get from the source. Suppose you have a shape file of roads and you want to hide the roads within a particular rectangle, simply execute GetFeaturesInsideBoundingBox() and add the id of the return features to the collection and forget about them. Since you can set this by Layer it makes is easy to determine what to and what not to.


This property gets the QueryTools that allow you to easily query Features from the Feature Layer.

public QueryTools QueryTools { get; protected set; }

Property Value


        This property gets the QueryTools that allow you to easily query Features from the
        Feature Layer.


This property gets the QueryTools that allow you to easily query Features from the Feature Layer. The QueryTools are supplied as an easily accessible wrapper for the query methods of the FeatureSource.


public int MaxRecordsToDraw { get; set; }

Property Value



This property gets the FeatureSource for the FeatureLayer.

public FeatureSource FeatureSource { get; set; }

Property Value

This property gets the FeatureSource for the FeatureLayer.


The FeatureSource is the provider of data to the FeatureLayer. There are different FeatureSource classes to match the various ways that feature data is stored. It is important that, when you inherit from the FeatureLayer, in the constructor you set the FeatureSource you want to use.


This property gets and sets the general drawing quality for the FeatureLayer's view.

public DrawingQuality DrawingQuality { get; set; }

Property Value


        This property gets the general drawing quality for the FeatureLayer's


The DrawingQuality enumeration allows you to control, in a macro sense, the drawing quality that will be used in the GeoCanvas. Each GeoCanvas, which is responsible for drawing of the features, may have its own specialized drawing quality properties. What the DrawingQuality enumeration does is define some general guidelines for each GeoCanvas. For example, if you set the DrawingQuality to HighSpeed, then inside of the PlatformGeoCanvas there is a profile for HighSpeed. This profile sets specific properties, such as the smoothing mode and composing drawing mode of the PlatformGeoCanvas. As each GeoCanvas may have different drawing quality properties, this offers a general way to control drawing quality and speed.

If you need complete control over how a specific GeoCanvas will draw, then you can set the DrawingQuality to Custom. This will tell the specific GeoCanvas to use the properties on its own object instead of one of the pre-defined profiles. If one of the profiles -- such as HighSpeed or HighQuality -- is set, then the specific GeoCanvas ignores its own properties for drawing quality.


This property gets and sets the ZoomLevelSet, which contains the specific zoom levels for the FeatureLayer.

public ZoomLevelSet ZoomLevelSet { get; set; }

Property Value


        This property gets the ZoomLevelSet, which contains the specific zoom levels for
        the FeatureLayer.


The ZoomLevelSet is a class that contains all of the ZoomLevels for the FeatureLayer. Each ZoomLevel contains the styles that are used to determine how to draw the InternalFeatures.


public float DrawingMarginInPixel { get; set; }

Property Value



This property returns true if the Layer is open and false if it is not.

public bool IsOpen { get; }

Property Value



This method is the concrete wrapper for the abstract method IsOpenCore. Various methods on the Layer require that it be in an open state. If one of those methods is called when the state is not open, then the method will throw an exception. To enter the open state, you must call the Layer Open method. The method will raise an exception if the current Layer is already open.

As this is a concrete public method that wraps a Core method, we reserve the right to add events and other logic to pre- or post-process data returned by the Core version of the method. In this way, we leave our framework open on our end, but also allow you the developer to extend our logic to suit your needs. If you have questions about this, please contact our support team as we would be happy to work with you on extending our framework.


This property gets the last drawing time for the layer.

public TimeSpan DrawingTime { get; protected set; }

Property Value



We track the drawing time for the layer and report it back in this method. This is useful for determining the speed of various layers.


This property gets and sets the name for the layer.

public string Name { get; set; }

Property Value



The name is user defined. It is useful to set, as it may be used for higher level components such as legends, etc.


public string Attribution { get; set; }

Property Value



This property gets and set the visible state of the layer.

public bool IsVisible { get; set; }

Property Value



If this property is set to false, the layer will not draw. We ensure this in the Draw method. This is useful for legends and other controls that control the visibility of layers.


This property gets and sets the amount of transparency to apply to the image.

public float Transparency { get; set; }

Property Value

This property gets the amount of transparency to apply to the image.




This property gets and sets the amount of blue to apply to the image.

public float BlueTranslation { get; set; }

Property Value

This property gets the amount of blue to apply to the image.




This property gets and sets the amount of red to apply to the image.

public float RedTranslation { get; set; }

Property Value

This property gets the amount of red to apply to the image.




This property gets and sets the amount of green to apply to the image.

public float GreenTranslation { get; set; }

Property Value

This property gets the amount of green to apply to the image.




Gets a value represents a collection of key colors. If SupportKeyColor property is false, it will throw exception when you use KeyColors.

public Collection<GeoColor> KeyColors { get; }

Property Value



It will make these colors transparent when draw image.


This property gets and sets whether the image should be converted to negative (inverse colors).

public bool IsNegative { get; set; }

Property Value

This property gets and sets whether the image should be converted to negative (inverse colors).




This property gets and sets if the image should be converted to grayscale.

public bool IsGrayscale { get; set; }

Property Value


        This property gets and sets if the image should be converted to grayscale.





public Dictionary<GeoColor, GeoColor> ColorMappings { get; }

Property Value

Dictionary<GeoColor, GeoColor>


Gets or sets the DrawExceptionMode when exception happens.

public DrawingExceptionMode DrawingExceptionMode { get; set; }

Property Value



public ThreadSafetyLevel ThreadSafe { get; set; }

Property Value



Gets and sets the background of the layer.

public GeoColor Background { get; set; }

Property Value



public WrappingMode WrappingMode { get; set; }

Property Value



public RectangleShape WrappingExtent { get; set; }

Property Value



public TimeSpan RequestDrawingInterval { get; set; }

Property Value




This is the class constructor.

public TinyGeoFeatureLayer()




This is the class constructor.

public TinyGeoFeatureLayer(string tinyGeoPathFilename)


tinyGeoPathFilename String



TinyGeoFeatureLayer(String, String)

This is the class constructor.

public TinyGeoFeatureLayer(string tinyGeoPathFilename, string password)


tinyGeoPathFilename String

password String
This parameter represents the password to the .tgeo file.




CreateTinyGeoFile(String, String, GeographyUnit, ReturningColumnsType)

Static API to create a new TinyGeo file from an existed shape file.

public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(string tinyGeoPathFilename, string shapePathFilename, GeographyUnit unitOfData, ReturningColumnsType returningColumnType)


tinyGeoPathFilename String
This parameter specifies the file name for the target TinyGeo file.

shapePathFilename String
This parameter specifies the file name for the existed shape file.

unitOfData GeographyUnit
This parameter specifies the Geography Unit of the data.

returningColumnType ReturningColumnsType
This parameter specifies whether the columns info in shape file will be copied to TinyGeo file.

CreateTinyGeoFile(String, String, GeographyUnit, ReturningColumnsType, Double)

Static API to create a new TinyGeo file from an existed shape file.

public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(string tinyGeoPathFilename, string shapePathFilename, GeographyUnit unitOfData, ReturningColumnsType returningColumnType, double precisionInMeter)


tinyGeoPathFilename String
This parameter specifies the file name for the target TinyGeo file.

shapePathFilename String
This parameter specifies the file name for the existed shape file.

unitOfData GeographyUnit
This parameter specifies the Geography Unit of the data.

returningColumnType ReturningColumnsType
This parameter specifies whether the columns info in shape file will be copied to TinyGeo file.

precisionInMeter Double
This parameter spcifies in double what is the precision in Meter of the target TinyGeo file.

CreateTinyGeoFile(String, String, GeographyUnit, ReturningColumnsType, String)

Static API to create a new TinyGeo file from an existed shape file.

public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(string tinyGeoPathFilename, string shapePathFilename, GeographyUnit unitOfData, ReturningColumnsType returningColumnType, string password)


tinyGeoPathFilename String
This parameter specifies the file name for the target TinyGeo file.

shapePathFilename String
This parameter specifies the file name for the existed shape file.

unitOfData GeographyUnit
This parameter specifies the Geography Unit of the data.

returningColumnType ReturningColumnsType
This parameter specifies whether the columns info in shape file will be copied to TinyGeo file.

password String
This parameter spcifies the password of the target TinyGeo file.

CreateTinyGeoFile(String, String, GeographyUnit, ReturningColumnsType, String, Double)

Static API to create a new TinyGeo file from an existed shape file.

public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(string tinyGeoPathFilename, string shapePathFilename, GeographyUnit unitOfData, ReturningColumnsType returningColumnType, string password, double precisionInMeter)


tinyGeoPathFilename String
This parameter specifies the file name for the target TinyGeo file.

shapePathFilename String
This parameter specifies the file name for the existed shape file.

unitOfData GeographyUnit
This parameter specifies the Geography Unit of the data.

returningColumnType ReturningColumnsType
This parameter specifies whether the columns info in shape file will be copied to TinyGeo file.

password String
This parameter spcifies the password of the target TinyGeo file.

precisionInMeter Double
This parameter spcifies in double what is the precision in Meter of the target TinyGeo file.

CreateTinyGeoFile(String, String, GeographyUnit, IEnumerable<String>)

Static API to create a new TinyGeo file from an existed shape file.

public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(string tinyGeoPathFilename, string shapePathFilename, GeographyUnit unitOfData, IEnumerable<string> columnNames)


tinyGeoPathFilename String
This parameter specifies the file name for the target TinyGeo file.

shapePathFilename String
This parameter specifies the file name for the existed shape file.

unitOfData GeographyUnit
This parameter specifies the Geography Unit of the data.

columnNames IEnumerable<String>
This parameter specifies the columns in shape file which will be copied to TinyGeo file.

CreateTinyGeoFile(String, String, GeographyUnit, IEnumerable<String>, Double)

Static API to create a new TinyGeo file from an existed shape file.

public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(string tinyGeoPathFilename, string shapePathFilename, GeographyUnit unitOfData, IEnumerable<string> columnNames, double precisionInMeter)


tinyGeoPathFilename String
This parameter specifies the file name for the target TinyGeo file.

shapePathFilename String
This parameter specifies the file name for the existed shape file.

unitOfData GeographyUnit
This parameter specifies the Geography Unit of the data.

columnNames IEnumerable<String>
This parameter specifies the columns in shape file which will be copied to TinyGeo file.

precisionInMeter Double
This parameter spcifies in double what is the precision in Meter of the target TinyGeo file.

CreateTinyGeoFile(String, String, GeographyUnit, IEnumerable<String>, String)

Static API to create a new TinyGeo file from an existed shape file.

public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(string tinyGeoPathFilename, string shapePathFilename, GeographyUnit unitOfData, IEnumerable<string> columnNames, string password)


tinyGeoPathFilename String
This parameter specifies the file name for the target TinyGeo file.

shapePathFilename String
This parameter specifies the file name for the existed shape file.

unitOfData GeographyUnit
This parameter specifies the Geography Unit of the data.

columnNames IEnumerable<String>
This parameter specifies the columns in shape file which will be copied to TinyGeo file.

password String
This parameter spcifies the password of the target TinyGeo file.

CreateTinyGeoFile(String, String, GeographyUnit, IEnumerable<String>, String, Double)

Static API to create a new TinyGeo file from an existed shape file.

public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(string tinyGeoPathFilename, string shapePathFilename, GeographyUnit unitOfData, IEnumerable<string> columnNames, string password, double precisionInMeter)


tinyGeoPathFilename String
This parameter specifies the file name for the target TinyGeo file.

shapePathFilename String
This parameter specifies the file name for the existed shape file.

unitOfData GeographyUnit
This parameter specifies the Geography Unit of the data.

columnNames IEnumerable<String>
This parameter specifies the columns in shape file which will be copied to TinyGeo file.

password String
This parameter spcifies the password of the target TinyGeo file.

precisionInMeter Double
This parameter spcifies in double what is the precision in Meter of the target TinyGeo file.

CreateTinyGeoFile(String, String, GeographyUnit, IEnumerable<String>, String, Double, Encoding)

Static API to create a new TinyGeo file from an existed shape file.

public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(string tinyGeoPathFilename, string shapePathFilename, GeographyUnit unitOfData, IEnumerable<string> columnNames, string password, double precisionInMeter, Encoding shapeEncoding)


tinyGeoPathFilename String
This parameter specifies the file name for the target TinyGeo file.

shapePathFilename String
This parameter specifies the file name for the existed shape file.

unitOfData GeographyUnit
This parameter specifies the Geography Unit of the data.

columnNames IEnumerable<String>
This parameter specifies the columns in shape file which will be copied to TinyGeo file.

password String
This parameter spcifies the password of the target TinyGeo file.

precisionInMeter Double
This parameter spcifies in double what is the precision in Meter of the target TinyGeo file.

shapeEncoding Encoding
This parameter specifies the encoding of the existed shape file.

CreateTinyGeoFile(String, FeatureLayer, GeographyUnit, IEnumerable<String>, String, Double, Encoding, WellKnownType)

public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(string tinyGeoPathFilename, FeatureLayer featureLayer, GeographyUnit unitOfData, IEnumerable<string> columnNames, string password, double precisionInMeter, Encoding shapeEncoding, WellKnownType type)


tinyGeoPathFilename String

featureLayer FeatureLayer

unitOfData GeographyUnit

columnNames IEnumerable<String>

password String

precisionInMeter Double

shapeEncoding Encoding

type WellKnownType

GetOptimalPrecision(String, GeographyUnit, DistanceUnit, TinyGeoPrecisionMode)

public static double GetOptimalPrecision(string shapePathFilename, GeographyUnit unitOfData, DistanceUnit returningDistanceUnit, TinyGeoPrecisionMode precisionMode)


shapePathFilename String

unitOfData GeographyUnit

returningDistanceUnit DistanceUnit

precisionMode TinyGeoPrecisionMode



GetOptimalPrecision(FeatureLayer, GeographyUnit, DistanceUnit, TinyGeoPrecisionMode)

public static double GetOptimalPrecision(FeatureLayer featureLayer, GeographyUnit unitOfData, DistanceUnit returningDistanceUnit, TinyGeoPrecisionMode precisionMode)


featureLayer FeatureLayer

unitOfData GeographyUnit

returningDistanceUnit DistanceUnit

precisionMode TinyGeoPrecisionMode



EncryptTinyGeoFile(String, String, String)

Encrypt an existed TinyGeo File and save it as a new TinyGeo File.

public static void EncryptTinyGeoFile(string unencryptedTinyGeoPathFilename, string encryptedTinyGeoPathFilename, string password)


unencryptedTinyGeoPathFilename String
This parameter specifies the file name for the source unencrypted TinyGeo file.

encryptedTinyGeoPathFilename String
This parameter specifies the file name for the target encrypted TinyGeo file.

password String
This parameter specified the password of the target encrypted TinyGeo file.

DecryptTinyGeoFile(String, String, String)

Decrypt an existed encrypted TinyGeo File and save it as a new TinyGeo File.

public static void DecryptTinyGeoFile(string encryptedTinyGeoPathFilename, string decryptedTinyGeoPathFilename, string password)


encryptedTinyGeoPathFilename String
This parameter specifies the file name for the source encrypted TinyGeo file.

decryptedTinyGeoPathFilename String
This parameter specifies the file name for the target decrypted TinyGeo file.

password String
This parameter specified the password of the source encrypted TinyGeo file.


public TinyGeoFileType GetTinyGeoFileType()





This event allows you to pass in your own stream to represent the files.

public event EventHandler<StreamLoadingEventArgs> StreamLoading;


If you choose you can pass in your own stream to represent the file. The stream can come from a variety of places such as isolated storage, a compressed file, and encrypted stream. When the Image is finished with the stream it will dispose of it so be sure to keep this in mind when passing the stream in. If you do not pass in a alternate stream the class will attempt to load the file from the file system using the TinyGeoPathFilename property.


This event is raised when features are about to be drawn in the layer.

public event EventHandler<DrawingFeaturesEventArgs> DrawingFeatures;


This event is raised when features are about to be drawn in the layer. In the event arguments, there is a collection of features to be drawn. You can easily add or remove items from this collection so that extra items will draw or not draw.


public event EventHandler<DrawingWrappingFeaturesFeatureLayerEventArgs> DrawingWrappingFeatures;


public event EventHandler<DrawingProgressChangedEventArgs> DrawingProgressChanged;


public event EventHandler<DrawingExceptionLayerEventArgs> DrawingException;


public event EventHandler<DrawnExceptionLayerEventArgs> DrawnException;


public event EventHandler<DrawingAttributionLayerEventArgs> DrawingAttribution;


public event EventHandler<DrawnAttributionLayerEventArgs> DrawnAttribution;


public event EventHandler<RequestedDrawingLayerEventArgs> RequestedDrawing;


public event EventHandler<RequestingDrawingLayerEventArgs> RequestingDrawing;