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Namespace: ThinkGeo.Core.LibTiff

TIFF tag definitions.

public enum TiffTag

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnumTiffTag
Implements IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


Joris Van Damme maintains

        TIFF Tag Reference, good source of tag information. It's an overview of known TIFF

Tags with properties, short description, and other useful information.


Name Value Description
IGNORE 0 Tag placeholder
SUBFILETYPE 254 Subfile data descriptor.
For the list of possible values, see .
OSUBFILETYPE 255 [obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0]
Kind of data in subfile. For the list of possible values, see .
IMAGEWIDTH 256 Image width in pixels.
IMAGELENGTH 257 Image height in pixels.
BITSPERSAMPLE 258 Bits per channel (sample).
COMPRESSION 259 Data compression technique.
For the list of possible values, see .
PHOTOMETRIC 262 Photometric interpretation.
For the list of possible values, see .
THRESHHOLDING 263 [obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0]
Thresholding used on data. For the list of possible values, see .
CELLWIDTH 264 [obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0]
Dithering matrix width.
CELLLENGTH 265 [obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0]
Dithering matrix height.
FILLORDER 266 Data order within a byte.
For the list of possible values, see .
DOCUMENTNAME 269 Name of document which holds for image.
IMAGEDESCRIPTION 270 Information about image.
MAKE 271 Scanner manufacturer name.
MODEL 272 Scanner model name/number.
STRIPOFFSETS 273 Offsets to data strips.
ORIENTATION 274 [obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0]
Image orientation. For the list of possible values, see .
SAMPLESPERPIXEL 277 Samples per pixel.
ROWSPERSTRIP 278 Rows per strip of data.
STRIPBYTECOUNTS 279 Bytes counts for strips.
MINSAMPLEVALUE 280 [obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0]
Minimum sample value.
MAXSAMPLEVALUE 281 [obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0]
Maximum sample value.
XRESOLUTION 282 Pixels/resolution in x.
YRESOLUTION 283 Pixels/resolution in y.
PLANARCONFIG 284 Storage organization.
For the list of possible values, see .
PAGENAME 285 Page name image is from.
XPOSITION 286 X page offset of image lhs.
YPOSITION 287 Y page offset of image lhs.
FREEOFFSETS 288 [obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0]
Byte offset to free block.
FREEBYTECOUNTS 289 [obsoleted by TIFF rev. 5.0]
Sizes of free blocks.
GRAYRESPONSEUNIT 290 [obsoleted by TIFF rev. 6.0]
Gray scale curve accuracy.
For the list of possible values, see .
GRAYRESPONSECURVE 291 [obsoleted by TIFF rev. 6.0]
Gray scale response curve.
GROUP3OPTIONS 292 Options for CCITT Group 3 fax encoding. 32 flag bits.
For the list of possible values, see .
T4OPTIONS 292 TIFF 6.0 proper name alias for GROUP3OPTIONS.
GROUP4OPTIONS 293 Options for CCITT Group 4 fax encoding. 32 flag bits.
For the list of possible values, see .
T6OPTIONS 293 TIFF 6.0 proper name alias for GROUP4OPTIONS.
RESOLUTIONUNIT 296 Units of resolutions.
For the list of possible values, see .
PAGENUMBER 297 Page numbers of multi-page.
COLORRESPONSEUNIT 300 [obsoleted by TIFF rev. 6.0]
Color curve accuracy.
For the list of possible values, see .
TRANSFERFUNCTION 301 Colorimetry info.
SOFTWARE 305 Name & release.
DATETIME 306 Creation date and time.
ARTIST 315 Creator of image.
HOSTCOMPUTER 316 Machine where created.
PREDICTOR 317 Prediction scheme w/ LZW.
For the list of possible values, see .
WHITEPOINT 318 Image white point.
PRIMARYCHROMATICITIES 319 Primary chromaticities.
COLORMAP 320 RGB map for pallette image.
HALFTONEHINTS 321 Highlight + shadow info.
TILEWIDTH 322 Tile width in pixels.
TILELENGTH 323 Tile height in pixels.
TILEOFFSETS 324 Offsets to data tiles.
TILEBYTECOUNTS 325 Byte counts for tiles.
BADFAXLINES 326 Lines with wrong pixel count.
CLEANFAXDATA 327 Regenerated line info.
For the list of possible values, see .
CONSECUTIVEBADFAXLINES 328 Max consecutive bad lines.
SUBIFD 330 Subimage descriptors.
INKSET 332 Inks in separated image.
For the list of possible values, see .
INKNAMES 333 ASCII names of inks.
NUMBEROFINKS 334 Number of inks.
DOTRANGE 336 0% and 100% dot codes.
TARGETPRINTER 337 Separation target.
EXTRASAMPLES 338 Information about extra samples.
For the list of possible values, see .
SAMPLEFORMAT 339 Data sample format.
For the list of possible values, see .
SMINSAMPLEVALUE 340 Variable MinSampleValue.
SMAXSAMPLEVALUE 341 Variable MaxSampleValue.
CLIPPATH 343 ClipPath. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe TIFF technote 2.
XCLIPPATHUNITS 344 XClipPathUnits. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe TIFF technote 2.
YCLIPPATHUNITS 345 YClipPathUnits. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe TIFF technote 2.
INDEXED 346 Indexed. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe TIFF Technote 3.
JPEGTABLES 347 JPEG table stream. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0.
OPIPROXY 351 OPI Proxy. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe TIFF technote.
JPEGPROC 512 [obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme]
JPEG processing algorithm.
For the list of possible values, see .
JPEGIFOFFSET 513 [obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme]
Pointer to SOI marker.
JPEGIFBYTECOUNT 514 [obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme]
JFIF stream length
JPEGRESTARTINTERVAL 515 [obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme]
Restart interval length.
JPEGLOSSLESSPREDICTORS 517 [obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme]
Lossless proc predictor.
JPEGPOINTTRANSFORM 518 [obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme]
Lossless point transform.
JPEGQTABLES 519 [obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme]
Q matrice offsets.
JPEGDCTABLES 520 [obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme]
DCT table offsets.
JPEGACTABLES 521 [obsoleted by Technical Note #2 which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme]
AC coefficient offsets.
YCBCRSUBSAMPLING 530 YCbCr subsampling factors.
YCBCRPOSITIONING 531 Subsample positioning.
For the list of possible values, see .
REFERENCEBLACKWHITE 532 Colorimetry info.
XMLPACKET 700 XML packet. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe XMP Specification, January 2004.
OPIIMAGEID 32781 OPI ImageID. Introduced post TIFF rev 6.0 by Adobe TIFF technote.
REFPTS 32953 Image reference points. Private tag registered to Island Graphics.
REGIONTACKPOINT 32954 Region-xform tack point. Private tag registered to Island Graphics.
REGIONWARPCORNERS 32955 Warp quadrilateral. Private tag registered to Island Graphics.
REGIONAFFINE 32956 Affine transformation matrix. Private tag registered to Island Graphics.
MATTEING 32995 [obsoleted by TIFF rev. 6.0]
Use EXTRASAMPLE tag. Private tag registered to SGI.
DATATYPE 32996 [obsoleted by TIFF rev. 6.0]
Use SAMPLEFORMAT tag. Private tag registered to SGI.
IMAGEDEPTH 32997 Z depth of image. Private tag registered to SGI.
TILEDEPTH 32998 Z depth/data tileView. Private tag registered to SGI.
PIXAR_IMAGEFULLWIDTH 33300 Full image size in X. This tag is set when an image has been cropped out of a larger
image. It reflect width of the original uncropped image. The XPOSITION tag can be used
to determine the position of the smaller image in the larger one.
Private tag registered to Pixar.
PIXAR_IMAGEFULLLENGTH 33301 Full image size in Y. This tag is set when an image has been cropped out of a larger
image. It reflect height of the original uncropped image. The YPOSITION can be used
to determine the position of the smaller image in the larger one.
Private tag registered to Pixar.
PIXAR_TEXTUREFORMAT 33302 Texture map format. Used to identify special image modes and data used by Pixar's
texture formats. Private tag registered to Pixar.
PIXAR_WRAPMODES 33303 S&T wrap modes. Used to identify special image modes and data used by Pixar's
texture formats. Private tag registered to Pixar.
PIXAR_FOVCOT 33304 Cotan(fov) for env. maps. Used to identify special image modes and data used by
Pixar's texture formats. Private tag registered to Pixar.
PIXAR_MATRIX_WORLDTOSCREEN 33305 Used to identify special image modes and data used by Pixar's texture formats.
Private tag registered to Pixar.
PIXAR_MATRIX_WORLDTOCAMERA 33306 Used to identify special image modes and data used by Pixar's texture formats.
Private tag registered to Pixar.
WRITERSERIALNUMBER 33405 Device serial number. Private tag registered to Eastman Kodak.
COPYRIGHT 33432 Copyright string. This tag is listed in the TIFF rev. 6.0 w/ unknown ownership.
RICHTIFFIPTC 33723 IPTC TAG from RichTIFF specifications.
IT8SITE 34016 Site name. Reserved for ANSI IT8 TIFF/IT.
IT8COLORSEQUENCE 34017 Color seq. [RGB, CMYK, etc]. Reserved for ANSI IT8 TIFF/IT.
IT8HEADER 34018 DDES Header. Reserved for ANSI IT8 TIFF/IT.
IT8RASTERPADDING 34019 Raster scanline padding. Reserved for ANSI IT8 TIFF/IT.
IT8BITSPERRUNLENGTH 34020 The number of bits in short run. Reserved for ANSI IT8 TIFF/IT.
IT8BITSPEREXTENDEDRUNLENGTH 34021 The number of bits in long run. Reserved for ANSI IT8 TIFF/IT.
IT8COLORTABLE 34022 LW colortable. Reserved for ANSI IT8 TIFF/IT.
IT8IMAGECOLORINDICATOR 34023 BP/BL image color switch. Reserved for ANSI IT8 TIFF/IT.
IT8BKGCOLORINDICATOR 34024 BP/BL bg color switch. Reserved for ANSI IT8 TIFF/IT.
IT8IMAGECOLORVALUE 34025 BP/BL image color value. Reserved for ANSI IT8 TIFF/IT.
IT8BKGCOLORVALUE 34026 BP/BL bg color value. Reserved for ANSI IT8 TIFF/IT.
IT8PIXELINTENSITYRANGE 34027 MP pixel intensity value. Reserved for ANSI IT8 TIFF/IT.
IT8TRANSPARENCYINDICATOR 34028 HC transparency switch. Reserved for ANSI IT8 TIFF/IT.
IT8COLORCHARACTERIZATION 34029 Color characterization table. Reserved for ANSI IT8 TIFF/IT.
IT8HCUSAGE 34030 HC usage indicator. Reserved for ANSI IT8 TIFF/IT.
IT8TRAPINDICATOR 34031 Trapping indicator (untrapped = 0, trapped = 1). Reserved for ANSI IT8 TIFF/IT.
IT8CMYKEQUIVALENT 34032 CMYK color equivalents.
FRAMECOUNT 34232 Sequence Frame Count. Private tag registered to Texas Instruments.
PHOTOSHOP 34377 Private tag registered to Adobe for PhotoShop.
EXIFIFD 34665 Pointer to EXIF private directory. This tag is documented in EXIF specification.
ICCPROFILE 34675 ICC profile data. ?? Private tag registered to Adobe. ??
JBIGOPTIONS 34750 JBIG options. Private tag registered to Pixel Magic.
GPSIFD 34853 Pointer to GPS private directory. This tag is documented in EXIF specification.
FAXRECVPARAMS 34908 Encoded Class 2 ses. params. Private tag registered to SGI.
FAXSUBADDRESS 34909 Received SubAddr string. Private tag registered to SGI.
FAXRECVTIME 34910 Receive time (secs). Private tag registered to SGI.
FAXDCS 34911 Encoded fax ses. params, Table 2/T.30. Private tag registered to SGI.
STONITS 37439 Sample value to Nits. Private tag registered to SGI.
FEDEX_EDR 34929 Private tag registered to FedEx.
INTEROPERABILITYIFD 40965 Pointer to Interoperability private directory.
This tag is documented in EXIF specification.
DNGVERSION 50706 DNG version number. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
DNGBACKWARDVERSION 50707 DNG compatibility version. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
UNIQUECAMERAMODEL 50708 Name for the camera model. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
LOCALIZEDCAMERAMODEL 50709 Localized camera model name. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
CFAPLANECOLOR 50710 CFAPattern->LinearRaw space mapping. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
CFALAYOUT 50711 Spatial layout of the CFA. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
LINEARIZATIONTABLE 50712 Lookup table description. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
BLACKLEVELREPEATDIM 50713 Repeat pattern size for the BlackLevel tag. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
BLACKLEVEL 50714 Zero light encoding level. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
BLACKLEVELDELTAH 50715 Zero light encoding level differences (columns). Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
BLACKLEVELDELTAV 50716 Zero light encoding level differences (rows). Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
WHITELEVEL 50717 Fully saturated encoding level. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
DEFAULTSCALE 50718 Default scale factors. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
DEFAULTCROPORIGIN 50719 Origin of the final image area. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
DEFAULTCROPSIZE 50720 Size of the final image area. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
COLORMATRIX1 50721 XYZ->reference color space transformation matrix 1.
Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
COLORMATRIX2 50722 XYZ->reference color space transformation matrix 2.
Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
CAMERACALIBRATION1 50723 Calibration matrix 1. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
CAMERACALIBRATION2 50724 Calibration matrix 2. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
REDUCTIONMATRIX1 50725 Dimensionality reduction matrix 1. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
REDUCTIONMATRIX2 50726 Dimensionality reduction matrix 2. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
ANALOGBALANCE 50727 Gain applied the stored raw values. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
ASSHOTNEUTRAL 50728 Selected white balance in linear reference space.
Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
ASSHOTWHITEXY 50729 Selected white balance in x-y chromaticity coordinates.
Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
BASELINEEXPOSURE 50730 How much to move the zero point. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
BASELINENOISE 50731 Relative noise level. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
BASELINESHARPNESS 50732 Relative amount of sharpening. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
BAYERGREENSPLIT 50733 How closely the values of the green pixels in the blue/green rows
track the values of the green pixels in the red/green rows.
Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
LINEARRESPONSELIMIT 50734 Non-linear encoding range. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
CAMERASERIALNUMBER 50735 Camera's serial number. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
LENSINFO 50736 Information about the lens.
CHROMABLURRADIUS 50737 Chroma blur radius. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
ANTIALIASSTRENGTH 50738 Relative strength of the camera's anti-alias filter.
Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
SHADOWSCALE 50739 Used by Adobe Camera Raw. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
DNGPRIVATEDATA 50740 Manufacturer's private data. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
MAKERNOTESAFETY 50741 Whether the EXIF MakerNote tag is safe to preserve along with the rest of the EXIF data.
Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
CALIBRATIONILLUMINANT1 50778 Illuminant 1. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
CALIBRATIONILLUMINANT2 50779 Illuminant 2. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
BESTQUALITYSCALE 50780 Best quality multiplier. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
RAWDATAUNIQUEID 50781 Unique identifier for the raw image data. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
ORIGINALRAWFILENAME 50827 File name of the original raw file. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
ORIGINALRAWFILEDATA 50828 Contents of the original raw file. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
ACTIVEAREA 50829 Active (non-masked) pixels of the sensor. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
MASKEDAREAS 50830 List of coordinates of fully masked pixels. Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
ASSHOTICCPROFILE 50831 Used to map cameras's color space into ICC profile space.
Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
ASSHOTPREPROFILEMATRIX 50832 Used to map cameras's color space into ICC profile space.
Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
CURRENTICCPROFILE 50833 Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
CURRENTPREPROFILEMATRIX 50834 Introduced by Adobe DNG specification.
DCSHUESHIFTVALUES 65535 Undefined tag used by Eastman Kodak, hue shift correction data.
FAXMODE 65536 [pseudo tag. not written to file]
Group 3/4 format control.
For the list of possible values, see .
JPEGQUALITY 65537 [pseudo tag. not written to file]
Compression quality level. Quality level is on the IJG 0-100 scale. Default value is 75.
JPEGCOLORMODE 65538 [pseudo tag. not written to file]
Auto RGB<=>YCbCr convert.
For the list of possible values, see .
JPEGTABLESMODE 65539 [pseudo tag. not written to file]
For the list of possible values, see .
Default is .
FAXFILLFUNC 65540 [pseudo tag. not written to file]
G3/G4 fill function.
PIXARLOGDATAFMT 65549 [pseudo tag. not written to file]
PixarLogCodec I/O data sz.
DCSIMAGERTYPE 65550 [pseudo tag. not written to file]
Imager mode & filter.
Allocated to Oceana Matrix (
DCSINTERPMODE 65551 [pseudo tag. not written to file]
Interpolation mode.
Allocated to Oceana Matrix (
DCSBALANCEARRAY 65552 [pseudo tag. not written to file]
Color balance values.
Allocated to Oceana Matrix (
DCSCORRECTMATRIX 65553 [pseudo tag. not written to file]
Color correction values.
Allocated to Oceana Matrix (
DCSGAMMA 65554 [pseudo tag. not written to file]
Gamma value.
Allocated to Oceana Matrix (
DCSTOESHOULDERPTS 65555 [pseudo tag. not written to file]
Toe & shoulder points.
Allocated to Oceana Matrix (
DCSCALIBRATIONFD 65556 [pseudo tag. not written to file]
Calibration file description.
ZIPQUALITY 65557 [pseudo tag. not written to file]
Compression quality level.
Quality level is on the ZLIB 1-9 scale. Default value is -1.
PIXARLOGQUALITY 65558 [pseudo tag. not written to file]
PixarLog uses same scale.
DCSCLIPRECTANGLE 65559 [pseudo tag. not written to file]
Area of image to acquire.
Allocated to Oceana Matrix (
SGILOGDATAFMT 65560 [pseudo tag. not written to file]
SGILog user data format.
SGILOGENCODE 65561 [pseudo tag. not written to file]
SGILog data encoding control.
EXIF_EXPOSURETIME 33434 Exposure time.
EXIF_FNUMBER 33437 F number.
EXIF_EXPOSUREPROGRAM 34850 Exposure program.
EXIF_SPECTRALSENSITIVITY 34852 Spectral sensitivity.
EXIF_ISOSPEEDRATINGS 34855 ISO speed rating.
EXIF_OECF 34856 Optoelectric conversion factor.
EXIF_EXIFVERSION 36864 Exif version.
EXIF_DATETIMEORIGINAL 36867 Date and time of original data generation.
EXIF_DATETIMEDIGITIZED 36868 Date and time of digital data generation.
EXIF_COMPONENTSCONFIGURATION 37121 Meaning of each component.
EXIF_COMPRESSEDBITSPERPIXEL 37122 Image compression mode.
EXIF_MAXAPERTUREVALUE 37381 Maximum lens aperture.
EXIF_SUBJECTDISTANCE 37382 Subject distance.
EXIF_METERINGMODE 37383 Metering mode.
EXIF_LIGHTSOURCE 37384 Light source.
EXIF_FLASH 37385 Flash.
EXIF_FOCALLENGTH 37386 Lens focal length.
EXIF_SUBJECTAREA 37396 Subject area.
EXIF_MAKERNOTE 37500 Manufacturer notes.
EXIF_USERCOMMENT 37510 User comments.
EXIF_SUBSECTIME 37520 DateTime subseconds.
EXIF_SUBSECTIMEORIGINAL 37521 DateTimeOriginal subseconds.
EXIF_SUBSECTIMEDIGITIZED 37522 DateTimeDigitized subseconds.
EXIF_FLASHPIXVERSION 40960 Supported Flashpix version.
EXIF_COLORSPACE 40961 Color space information.
EXIF_PIXELXDIMENSION 40962 Valid image width.
EXIF_PIXELYDIMENSION 40963 Valid image height.
EXIF_RELATEDSOUNDFILE 40964 Related audio file.
EXIF_FLASHENERGY 41483 Flash energy.
EXIF_SPATIALFREQUENCYRESPONSE 41484 Spatial frequency response.
EXIF_FOCALPLANEXRESOLUTION 41486 Focal plane X resolution.
EXIF_FOCALPLANEYRESOLUTION 41487 Focal plane Y resolution.
EXIF_FOCALPLANERESOLUTIONUNIT 41488 Focal plane resolution unit.
EXIF_SUBJECTLOCATION 41492 Subject location.
EXIF_EXPOSUREINDEX 41493 Exposure index.
EXIF_SENSINGMETHOD 41495 Sensing method.
EXIF_FILESOURCE 41728 File source.
EXIF_SCENETYPE 41729 Scene type.
EXIF_CFAPATTERN 41730 CFA pattern.
EXIF_CUSTOMRENDERED 41985 Custom image processing.
EXIF_EXPOSUREMODE 41986 Exposure mode.
EXIF_WHITEBALANCE 41987 White balance.
EXIF_DIGITALZOOMRATIO 41988 Digital zoom ratio.
EXIF_FOCALLENGTHIN35MMFILM 41989 Focal length in 35 mm film.
EXIF_SCENECAPTURETYPE 41990 Scene capture type.
EXIF_GAINCONTROL 41991 Gain control.
EXIF_CONTRAST 41992 Contrast.
EXIF_SATURATION 41993 Saturation.
EXIF_SHARPNESS 41994 Sharpness.
EXIF_DEVICESETTINGDESCRIPTION 41995 Device settings description.
EXIF_SUBJECTDISTANCERANGE 41996 Subject distance range.
EXIF_IMAGEUNIQUEID 42016 Unique image ID.
GEOTIFF_MODELPIXELSCALETAG 33550 This tag is defining exact affine transformations between raster and model space. Used in interchangeable GeoTIFF files.
GEOTIFF_MODELTIEPOINTTAG 33922 This tag stores raster->model tiepoint pairs. Used in interchangeable GeoTIFF files.
GEOTIFF_MODELTRANSFORMATIONTAG 34264 This tag is optionally provided for defining exact affine transformations between raster and model space. Used in interchangeable GeoTIFF files.