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Namespace: ThinkGeo.UI.Blazor

This class represents one value in a ValueMarkerStyle.

public class MarkerValueItem

Inheritance ObjectMarkerValueItem



The ValueMarkerStyle allows you to match data in the FeatureSource with a value string. If the value matches, then we will use the style defined in that item to create the markers.

For example, you may have some data about cities, with each city categorized as either a high, medium or low pollution city. Based on the string values of "High", "Medium" and "Low", we can match on these. If a particular feature's data for the column matched "High", then we would use the high MarkerValueItem's style to create that city's marker.



Gets or sets the value that we will use to match with the feature data. If the value matches, we will use the style for this item.

public string Value { get; set; }

Property Value


        The string to compare with the column value of features, which determines
        whether or not to use this value item to create the markers.


Gets or sets the marker style that will be applied to the markers if the CustomMarkerStyle is not defined.

public PointMarkerStyle DefaultMarkerStyle { get; set; }

Property Value


        The marker style that will be applied to the markers if the CustomMarkerStyle is
        not defined.


Gets or sets the style that could be any type of MarkerStyle.

public MarkerStyle CustomMarkerStyle { get; set; }

Property Value

A style that could be any type of MarkerStyle.


The CustomMarkerStyle could be any type of MarkerStyle. This style has a higher priority than the DefaultMarkerStyle. This means that if you defined both DefaultMarkerStyle and CustomMarkerStyle, the CustomMarkerStyle will be used.



Initialize a new instance of the MarkerValueItem class.

public MarkerValueItem()


Initialize a new instance of the MarkerValueItem class using the value string specified.

public MarkerValueItem(string value)


value String

        The string to compare with the column value of features, which determines
        whether or not to use this value item to create the markers.

MarkerValueItem(String, MarkerStyle)

Initialize a new instance of the MarkerValueItem class with the value string and custom marker style specified.

public MarkerValueItem(string value, MarkerStyle customMarkerStyle)


value String

        The string to compare with the column value of features, which determines
        whether or not to use this value item to create the markers.

customMarkerStyle MarkerStyle
The marker style that is applied to the markers with higher priority.


It is recommended that you do not use this constructor if it is not necessary. Instead, you can set the properties directly on the DefaultMarkerStyle.

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